Rebillot Workshop: The Lover's Journey - A Quest For Our Inner Man and Woman

08/07/2012 to 15/07/2012
Slí an Chroí Centre - Kiltegan, Co. Wicklow
Fergus Lalor / 021-4505711

Paul Rebillot's 'Lover's Journey' process is not - as the title might suggest - a 'couples' workshop but a journey into the depths of our individual process to discover how we love. It is based on the ancient concept of the 'Alchemical Marriage' - the owning and the uniting of the masculine and feminine archetypes.

We will explore and enact four aspects of ourselves - the negative and positive man and the negative and positive woman - in order to discover when we are being authentic with others and when we are not. We will then create a ritual of joining these four aspects of ourselves together, all of which must live harmoniously within us if we are to experience our wholeness.

Participants will experience the humour and the profundity of these images by bringing them into contact with the other members of the group. By playing them out and having fun with them, they become optional rather than obligatory. And by accepting and embracing these polarities, we open the door to fuller, more satisfying contact with others and with ourselves.

This workshop is suitable for anyone interested in self-exploration or personal development. Although based on the Gestalt approach to psychotherapy no previous experience of Gestalt is required or assumed. Certificates of attendance will be available for CPD or accreditation purposes.

The fee of €655 includes accommodation and full board as well as all workshop materials. Some bursaries may be available for those who are unable to pay the full fee. Staged payment is also a possibility.

For any queries or for a detailed workshop brochure telephone Fergus Lalor 021-4505711 (answering machine) or e-mail to [email protected]

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