Fragrance of the Lotus - year long teacher training with Dawn Cartwright

17/04/2020 to 26/04/2020
Dawn / 01 9014322
see below

Year Long Immersion & Teacher Training
Fragrance of the Lotus . Europe

Fragrance of the Lotus is a year long immersion into Tantra practice, research, study and community. A year spent discovering the extraordinary within the ordinary, plunging into ancient texts, cultivating the seeds of devotion that live within the heart of human sexuality. A year in full bloom.

“Your being blossoms and opens all its petals and releases its beautiful fragrance.” Osho

Fragrance of the Lotus is a comprehensive experiential exploration of Tantra through study and practice. 

Fragrance of the Lotus is open to . . .

  • Individuals with a deep love and desire for deepening within the path of Tantra.
  • Tantra teachers who wish to receive certification through Chandra Bindu Tantra Institute. 
  • Tantra teachers who have already been certified by Chandra Bindu Tantra Institute and wish to receive the Associates certification. 

Fragrance of the Lotus is an invitation to a year of living in the Tantric field through direct experience. You will explore the Shakta, Shavia and Vaishnavite Tantric lineages. You'll be immersed in sutras from the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, ignited by the beautiful sexual pūjās of the Shakta lineages and wooed by devotional Vaishnuvite bhakti practices.

You'll adventure into the portal of vibratory stillness that exists at the center of orgasm - when orgasm is experienced beyond habitual muscular contraction and sensory exclusion. Entering the realms of magic so apparent in our loving. Bringing into form, over and over and over again, the desireless desire that lives at the center of us all.
You'll come to "see" the true shape of the penis and vagina when limitations of cultural influence are dissolved and true vision returns. Our genitals hold tremendous power. Power that births dreams and desires.

The Tantric path is rich with meaning, it is an invitation to discover the  extraordinary secreted away within the ordinary. The macrocosm hidden within the microcosm.

Six years ago, I visited an ashram in Southern India. It was the first time I saw Kamakhya, the goddess in the form of the female genitals. What struck me first, was her beauty. Beauty that penetrated my heart before it entered my eye. The next thing I noticed was the head of the penis emerging out of the vulva, rather than penetrating in. Guruji Sri Amritananda explained, "All things come from the Mother."

"It is the place of original magic."  Sheila Chandra
You'll be lovingly invited to explore all aspects of your sexuality and discover who you are, sexually, when all your judgments and fears have been dissolved. You'll awaken the capacity to listen, experiencing sexuality as a song sung throughout your body.

You'll spend over a year in deep ecstatic meditation and go beyond what you have ever imagined, yet have always "known" was possible. You'll discover what it means to live within and contribute to our modern day society without being confined by it.

The Fragrance of the Lotus Year-Long Immersion is a profound commitment to discovery. Through it, you are entering a relationship the most basic alongside the most mystical, you will be drawn into a profound relationship with yourself that will illuminate all your relationships.

"A tremendous change is happening on the planet. I have a feeling we are ready, at long last, to truly love."  Dawn Cartwright

Tantra, by its very nature, transforms all things into their spontaneous natural state, stripping away beliefs and conditionings that have blocked the natural authentic aliveness that exists at the core of each of us. Fragrance of the Lotus, the Immersion, and the men and women who will travel along with you, represent a tremendous step toward knowing yourself by experiencing Tantra deeply, intimately, with no limits or boundaries. 

I invite you to take the leap.

Fragrance of the Lotus 2020-2021 Dates . Wicklow . Ireland

  • Module 1 . April 17th - 26th . 2020
  • Module 2 . October 2nd - 11th . 2020
  • Module 3 . April 16th - 25th . 2021
  • Module 4 . October 1st - 10th . 2021