
by Marike Peek
Do you remember the number pictures we made as a child? A seemingly random collection of dots all of the sudden made sense as connecting them turned them into a recognizable picture, maybe a bit wobbly or angular, but a picture nonetheless.
by Nicola Williams
What do you think of when you hear the word vulnerability? Only a few years ago, I would have thought of it as weakness; and definitely something I should try hard to avoid.
by Subhadramati
The trouble with writing about Buddhist ethics is that people often already have strong associations with the concept of ethics – and these are often negative.  
by Ken Loftus
Every second our brains have the potential of having 17.2 trillion actions. The 86 billion neurons in an average human brain that work in conjunction with each other, forming memories, associations, reactions and emotions, work on less energy than a light bulb.  
by Paul D'Alton
Mindfulness as an intervention began with John Kabat Zinn in the University of Massachusetts in the late 70s.
by Ruth Illingworth
The institution of marriage has existed across the world for at least ten millennia. The main purpose of marriage, for much of recorded history, has been to regulate the procreation of children and to provide economic and social bonds between families.  
